Course code
LWTP 0101
Preparing for the Warehouse Environment
Warehouse Training
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Semester length
Max class size
Contact hours
70-90 Depending on disabling conditions
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Instructor Presentation
- Class Discussion
- Videos
- Guest Speakers
- Role Play
Course description
To provide students with the personal attributes necessary to succeed in the new working environment of warehousing and distribution centres. This section of the course will concentrate on developing self confidence and self esteem and will develop problem solving skills for the work place.
Course content
- Developing self-awareness with a focus on finding the correct job match.
- Developing self-esteem and a positive attitude to career development.
- Effective communication as a tool for developing teamwork skills.
- Problem solving in both personal and professional situations.
- Anger management.
- Conflict resolution, with particular focus on the work environment.
- Assertiveness as a tool for job survival and career development.
- Stress and time management.
Learning outcomes
- To increase student self-confidence, self-awareness, assertiveness, problem solving and interpersonal skills.
- Student will demonstrate by class discussion and role-play an understanding of work place expectations and be able to apply the skills learned.
Means of assessment
- A mastery model of ongoing evaluation will be used.
- A student will have completed the course when he/she has demonstrated through satisfactory completion of exercises and assignments that the course objectives have been achieved.
- Where formal tests are used mastery will be defined as a score of 70% or more.
- The instructor in consultation with each student will monitor progress on a regular basis.
- The student will be expected to maintain regular attendance and progress, actively participate in all activities, and complete all assignments as directed.
Textbook materials
Nil. Topic relevant material will be provided in handout form throughout the course.
Instructor permission