Coaching information
The Bachelor of Physical Education & Coaching (BPEC) believes in the development and education of coaches. In addition to the overall courses and curriculum offered in our Department, we provide the following opportunities for those students interested in a future full of coaching!
The ϳԹһ Sport Science (SPSC) Department, the (CAC), and have teamed up to integrate the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) multi-sport modules into BPEC courses. The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) was created in Canada to unify national/provincial/territorial sport organizations across the country.
The National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) and the Coaching Association of Canada (CAC) have three (3) Coaching :
- “Community” Sport Coach Training – this stream is for coaches often coaching at the community level or thinking about coaching. This includes parents with a child involved in sport, those who volunteer, or those who work with participants of all ages.
- “Competition” Coach Training – this stream is for coaches who usually have previous coaching experience or are former athletes in the sport. They tend to work with athletes over the long term to improve performance, often in preparation for provincial, national, and international competitions. BPEC ‘trains’ students in this stream.
- “Instruction” Coach Training – this stream is for coaches who already have sport-specific skills and training, whether coaching at the beginner or advanced skill levels. They teach or coach the sport in a variety of areas. Many are former participants in the sport.
For more information on the NCCP Coaching Certification Program, visit the
As part of their BPEC journey, students must complete a series of non-academic requirements including a list of NCCP Competition Introduction and Development Modules. Graduating students will receive "trained status" in the following modules:
Professional Development
- Fundamental Movement Skills (SPSC 1195)
NCCP Competition-Introduction
- Basic Mental Skills (SPSC 2210)
- Plan a Practice (SPSC 2210)
- Teaching & Learning (SPSC 2210)
- Design a Basic Sport Program (SPSC 2210)
- Making Ethical Decisions (SPSC 2210)
- Making Ethical Decisions Online Evaluation - elearning Module accessed online via (Students must complete this on their own for the BPEC Non-Academic Graduation Requirements)
NCCP Competition-Development
- Developing Athletic Abilities (SPSC 4199)
- Prevention and Recovery (SPSC 3276)
- Manage Conflict (SPSC 3240)
- Coaching and Leading Effectively (SPSC 3240)
- Psychology of Performance (SPSC 4231)
Note: Each module is $15.75 when completed in the given Sport Science course listed above. If online payment is not made on by the last day of class you will be required to complete the NCCP module as an e-learning course and pay full price.
For more information on additional modules, visit the website and contact your Provincial Sport Organization.
"Trained" refers to Coaches who have participated in training opportunities and/or workshops to acquire or refine the skills and knowledge required for a particular coaching context (i.e. Competition-Introduction).
"Certified" refers to coaches who are “trained” and have been evaluated by a Sport NCCP Learning Facilitator (LF), in an actual “live” sport practice/game. They must demonstrate an ability to perform within that context in areas such as program design, practice planning, performance analysis, program management, ethical coaching, support to participants during training, and support to participants in competition.
The benefits of NCCP Coach Education being integrated into post-secondary education include:
- The opportunities for assessment and extended application of the core competencies and skills. The combination of degree delivery and Fieldwork experiences provides student-coaches the chance to learn, apply and debrief with both Faculty and community Coach mentors - bringing the concepts of NCCP Competency Based Education Training to life in a post-secondary setting!
- The convenience of completing an industry standard certification within an academic degree. Students not only save the time, they also save money by paying a reduced NCCP fee due. This is due to the fact that SPSC Faculty are NCCP Learning Facilitators, meaning their fee is covered in student tuition.
All BPEC students must complete a minimum of four fieldwork placements. Those students who are interested in a coaching-focused career path may complete all four (100 hours) placements in a coaching setting. Coaching-specific sites will offer supervised on-the-job coach training in all areas of athlete development: physical, mental, tactical and technical sport-specific training. In addition, the networking opportunities with coaches, teachers and athletes is a planned benefit of Fieldwork in that student-coaches are exposed to current innovative coaching methods and meet people who can help students navigate their career paths.
Your 2023-2024 Student Coaching Ambassador is Danijel Barjaktarovic
Danijel has a background in wrestling and jiu jitsu. He has taken his experience and applied it to his current assistant coach position that he has held for over 3 years at Titan Training Centre, coaching youth and adult programs. He coaches with enthusiasm and passion. He is not afraid of the hard work and commitment that is required to be a dedicated and positive leader.
Danijel is hoping to bring more awareness to coach education content and make it easily accessible to BPEC students and the Douglas community.