Student safety tips
1. Know your Campus Security numbers and save them in your phone:
Coquitlam: 604-777-6254 | New Westminster: 604-527-5405 | Anvil Office Tower: 604-777-6666 | Call Campus Security 24/7 in the event of an emergency. In a potentially life-threatening situation, call 911 first, then call Campus Security to notify them of the emergency on campus.
2. Know your closest emergency exits and assembly areas. Evacuation maps are posted in classrooms, near stairwells, and in elevators. Familiarize yourself with more than one way in/out of the building.
3. Sign up for Emergency Notifications. Subscribe to DC Alerts to receive important notifications regarding emergencies on campus and advisories regarding campus closures (for example, due to heavy snowfall).
4. Review the College's Communicable Disease Prevention and Response Plan and continue daily health practices as follows:
- Complete a daily self-administered health check and stay home if sick or symptomatic (NOTE: It is a personal responsibility for everyone accessing a post-secondary campus to complete a daily health self-assessment);
- Follow hand washing and hygiene protocols;
- Wear a mask in accordance with direction from public health.
5. Know the College’s Emergency Procedures. Review all Emergency Procedures, including the College’s Lockdown Procedure.
6. Report all safety hazards and incidents to Campus Security, including behaviours of concern.
7. Use the College’s SaferWalk service. You can receive a security escort to the local SkyTrain station or to your vehicle in a campus parking lot/parkade by requesting it from Security. Find instructions here.
8. If you need First Aid, go to or call Campus Security.
9. If you need someone to talk to, please contact the College’s Confidential Counselling Services. Coquitlam: 604-777-6185 New Westminster: 604-527-5486