Course code
CAEP 0204
Job Search Skills
Career and Employment Preparation
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Semester length
15 weeks
Max class size
Contact hours
70 to 90 hours per semester, depending on disabling condition.
Method(s) of instruction
Learning activities
- Instructor presentations
- Class discussions
- Self-awareness exercises
- Role play
- Use of computer labs
- Use of communications labs
Course description
This course is designed to provide adults with a disability with a comprehensive overview of job seeking strategies. It covers the basic tenets of job search applicable to the general population while recognizing the unique circumstances of adults with a disability.
Course content
- Establishing a network.
- Job search communications
- Application forms
- Cover letters
- Letters of application
- Telephone contacts
- Interview preparation
- Disclosure of a disability
- Employer’s responses to a disability.
- Identification and contact with community resources.
- Websites/Super pages
- Employment Centers/agencies
- Newspapers
- Job banks
- How to develop and update a resume.
- Sending a resume by fax and Email.
- Coping strategies for emotional well being during a job search.
Learning outcomes
- To learn and practise networking skills.
- To learn and practise skills of self- presentation.
- To develop interview skills
- To produce a resume, and be able to maintain and update the resume.
- To learn and practise communication skills pertaining to job search.
- To identify and contact agencies in the community which provide support for job search.
- To develop computer skills for research, word processing, and Email to facilitate job search.
Means of assessment
A mastery model of ongoing evaluation will be used. A student will have completed the course when he/ she has demonstrated through satisfactory completion of exercises and assignments that the course objectives have been achieved. Where formal tests are used mastery will be defined as a score of 80% or more.
Progress will be monitored on a regular basis by the instructor in consultation with each student. The student will be expected to maintain regular attendance and progress, to actively participate in all classroom activities, and to complete assignments as directed.
Textbook materials
Textbooks and Materials to be Purchased by Students
Topic-relevant material will be provided in handout form throughout the course.
CAEP 0201, 0202, 0203, 0205.