Lecture, seminars, laboratory assignments, reading, and research
Essentials of designing interactive systems
Introduction to experience design
Designing interactive systems
A framework for designing interactive systems
The process of designing interactive systems
Techniques for designing interactive systems
Design including conceptual and physical design
Evaluation including expert and participant-based evaluation
Task analysis including hierarchical and Cognitive work analysis
Visual user interface design
Multimodal user interface design
Contexts for designing interactive systems
Social media
Collaborative environments
Agents and avatars
Ubiquitous computing, information spaces and their architecture
understanding, design and evaluation of Mobile computing
Foundations of designing interactive systems
Memory and attention
Cognition (distributed and embodied) and action
Social interaction
Perception (visual and non-visual) and navigation
The student will be able to:
1) Explain the essentials of designing an interactive systems
2) Demonstrate the techniques for designing interactive systems
3) Evaluate the contexts for designing interactive systems
4) Explain and perform the foundations of designing interactive systems
Projects w/ presentation 20% - 30%
Participation 0% - 05%
Lab/Assignments 0% - 10%
Midterm Examination 30% - 40%
Final Examination 30% - 40%
Total 100%
Benyon, David. Designing Interactive Systems: A comprehensive guide to HCI, UX and interaction design, Latest edition, Pearson Education
other textbook approved by department.