Course code
LWTP 0103
Specific Duties in the Warehouse
Warehouse Training
Applied Community Studies
Start date
End term
Semester length
Max class size
Contact hours
70-90 hours, depending on disabling condition
Classroom 90%
Site visits 10%
Method(s) of instruction
Field Experience
Learning activities
- Instructor presentation
- Videos
- Overheads
- Class discussion
- Guest speakers
- Site visits
- Role play
Course description
To provide students with a detailed understanding of the various duties of a warehouse person and the specific job requirements of each position. The course is designed to help students make an informed decision as to the particular job they would be most suited to in a warehouse environment. Students will have the opportunity to earn an Occupational Health and Safety Certificate.
Course content
- The roles and responsibilities of the shipper.
- The roles and responsibilities of the receiver.
- The roles and responsibilities of the order picker.
- The function and methods of inventory control.
- The importance of good customer service.
- Methods of pricing and payment.
- Understanding and using warehouse forms.
- Interest survey and specific job selection.
- Safety in the workplace.
Learning outcomes
- Students will become familiar with the different job descriptions in a warehouse setting and know in detail the duties and responsibilities of the warehouse person from delivery of goods to the site to the shipping of merchandise to customers.
- Students will be aware of their particular strengths and interests and will be able to understand in what position they would best fit in the warehouse environment. Students will display a knowledge of workplace safety requirements and earn the Occupational Health and Safety Certificate.
Means of assessment
- A mastery model of ongoing evaluation will be used.
- A student will have completed the course when he/she has demonstrated through satisfactory completion of exercises and assignments that the course objectives have been achieved.
- Where formal tests are used mastery will be defined as a score of 70% or more.
- The instructor in consultation with each student will monitor progress on a regular basis.
- The student will be expected to maintain regular attendance and progress, actively participate in all activities, and complete all assignments as directed.
- The Occupational Health and Safety Certificate will be awarded on successful completion of a written examination.
Textbook materials
Nil. Topic relevant material will be provided in handout form throughout the course.
Instructor permission